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About Us


Our Vision
"Our vision at DeleixCare is to revolutionize the cosmetics industry by creating a truly inclusive and empowering brand. We believe that beauty is not defined by societal standards, but rather by each individual's unique characteristics and qualities. Our goal is to provide products that not only enhance natural beauty, but also promote self-love and acceptance.

We understand that the cosmetics industry has a history of exclusivity and unrealistic beauty standards. That's why we are committed to breaking down these barriers and creating a brand that caters to all individuals, regardless of race, gender, age, or any other identifying characteristic. We strive to make our products accessible to everyone and to promote diversity and representation in all aspects of our business.

At DeleixCare, we are also deeply committed to sustainability and ethical sourcing. We believe that the production of cosmetics should not come at the expense of our planet or the well-being of others. We use only the highest quality, natural ingredients sourced from sustainable and ethically-conscious suppliers. We also prioritize eco-friendly packaging and manufacturing processes to minimize our environmental impact.

In addition to our commitment to inclusivity and sustainability, we are constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation in the cosmetics industry. We believe that beauty should not be confined to traditional products and formulas, but rather should be open to experimentation and new ideas. We are dedicated to researching and developing cutting-edge technologies and techniques to bring our customers the most advanced and effective products on the market.

At DeleixCare, we strive to create a community of individuals who celebrate their unique beauty and inspire others to do the same. We believe that by fostering a culture of inclusivity, sustainability, and innovation, we can change the way the world perceives and values beauty. We are committed to being a brand that makes individuals feel confident, proud, and beautiful in their own skin."

Our Mission
"At DeleixCare, our mission is to empower individuals to express their unique beauty through our innovative and ethically-sourced cosmetic products. We are dedicated to creating a brand that caters to all individuals, regardless of race, gender, age, or any other identifying characteristic. We strive to break down the barriers of exclusivity and unrealistic beauty standards that have plagued the cosmetics industry for far too long.

We are committed to using only the highest quality, natural ingredients sourced from sustainable and ethically-conscious suppliers. We believe that the production of cosmetics should not come at the expense of our planet or the well-being of others. Our eco-friendly packaging and manufacturing processes are designed to minimize our environmental impact, and we are constantly researching new ways to improve in this area.

We are constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation in the cosmetics industry. We believe that beauty should not be confined to traditional products and formulas, but rather should be open to experimentation and new ideas. We research and develop cutting-edge technologies and techniques to bring our customers the most advanced and effective products on the market.

We also strive to foster a culture of inclusivity and self-love within our brand. We believe that every individual is unique and beautiful in their own way, and it is our goal to make individuals feel confident, proud, and beautiful in their own skin. We encourage our customers to embrace their individuality and express themselves through the use of our products.

Our customer service is of the utmost importance to us. We are dedicated to providing a personalized and enjoyable shopping experience for all of our customers. We are always willing to listen to feedback and make improvements to better serve our customers.

In summary, our mission at DeleixCare is to empower individuals to express their unique beauty through our innovative and ethically-sourced cosmetic products, while fostering a culture of inclusivity and self-love, and being committed to sustainability and ethical sourcing. We are dedicated to providing a personalized and enjoyable shopping experience for all of our customers."

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UK ADDRESS: 71-75 Shelton Street Covent Garden London WC2H 9JQ UNITED KINGDOM EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE: +447761569739

Rheumatoid Arthritis

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